
Women & Investing

Wealth Management

Women & Investing

There is more opportunity today than ever before for women to gain financial independence, yet the road there is still laden with obstacles. Women, now living five years longer than their male counterparts1, must take longevity into consideration. Acknowledging this longer lifespan may be compounded with lower earning power, higher lifetime health care costs and unplanned breaks from work, we believe it is particularly important for women to understand investment concepts and application in their portfolios. Women have an inherent arsenal of skills to make them well-suited for investing, in our opinion, and may even lend an upper hand in the long-term. We believe the key is working with an advisor to improve financial literacy, address budgetary shortcomings and realize innate strengths.

Wealth Transfer

Ultimately, 90% of women today will become responsible for their family's wealth at some point 2

Willingness to Seek Advice

Men, on average, tend to exhibit overconfidence in their own valuations, and trade 1.5 times more frequently than women. Women are more likely to seek out expert advice before forming opinions 3

Average Returns

Woman-owned investments average 12% higher returns than males, which can be attributable to patience and risk-aversion 4

Prudent Savers

Women, on average, save 2-8% more than their male counterparts 4

Patience & Discipline

In general, women take less risk, trade less frequently and are less reactionary to market events 5

Women Events

BR Wealth Management frequently holds events for our women investors, covering topics they have recommended, and featuring knowledgeable guest speakers.

Click Here

for an invitation to our next "Women & Investing" Event,
or to suggest a topic for an upcoming event.


These events are not exclusive. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Past Events

Estate & Long Term Care Michelle Triplett, JD
October 11th, 2018 | The Arid Club


Women Investors and Retirement Cate Nied, VP of Federated Securities
February 1st, 2018 | Owyhee Tavern


Investing in Volatile Markets Hayes Griffin, PGIM Investments
March 13th, 2019 | Cinder Wines

  1. World Health Organization. “Global Health Observatory (GHO) data.” WHO. Last Modified 2016. https://www.who.int/gho/mortality_burden_disease/life_tables/situation_trends_text/en/#targetText=Global%20life%20expectancy%20at%20birth,men%20all%20around%20the%20world.
  2. McMillion, Tracie (Veronica Willis). “Women and Investing. Building on Strengths.” Wells Fargo Investment Institute. (January 2019). https://my.advisor-connection.com/infomax/FINET/research/wfii/wfii_reports/investment_strategy/women_investing.pdf?srcApp=search
  3. Barber, Brad (Terrance Odean). “Boys Will Be Boys: Gender, Overconfidence, and Common Stock Investment.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics. (February 2001): 261-292. https://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/odean/papers/gender/BoysWillBeBoys.pdf
  4. https://info.federatedinvestors.com/Women-and-Investing.html?utm_source=wellsfargo&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=wellsfargo
  5. https://business.uq.edu.au/momentum/why-finance-world-needs-more-women

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